Friday, August 5, 2011

Expect for More

Is time to tell what is it about.
This is second generation bar code Name QR code
which you can scan it by using your smart phone
then through your smart phone, it will drive you to the website or more information

Of course, you have to be online if not it can't drive you to the website or more information.
how to scan it?
easy, below is a simple step to teach you by using picture.

besides, what you need just a smart phone with online and a software name Neo reader or bar code reader
how to get the software?

you just need to go to your phone market to download it and install.

but did you know that actually, Japan are already at 3rd generation bar code?
want to know how is it look like?

ya it is how the 3rd generation bar code
did you know it is very common to see it on the japan street, market, product or even station?
don't believe it?
let the picture to tell you the story.

QR code as the scan life in Japan 

so creative 

even at cloth can get bar code as design 

a bar code as product bar code 

It is happened at Japan train station, it is made by Tesco Japan. Creative? 

Never think that bar code can be so creative in shape with color.

This is how creative is it. Never think that bar code also can put at the building and even can scan it to find out more information. How Amazing is that !

can you see it? just a bar code but it can be very creative
no matter is building, cloth, or even train station

it is a part of the life in Japan
and it is very convenience and creative = Scan Life

the bar code even can in different shape with color .
QR Code will going to 4th generation soon?

when Malaysia only can have the QR code lifestyle?
when the creative bar code with color which is 3rd generation QR code will be in our life?

It is still a future story which in Pending...