Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Picture telling the story

Are you believe that picture telling you lot of the story?
Are you believe that picture telling you what are the mood is?
Are you believe that you can understand a people from the picture?

I believe!

That's a reason I Love to snap picture around.
It's one of the reason I love to be people model too.

Therefore, Let me present the picture at below which snap from a photographer name Mat

I love he style of edit & shooting.
It is just like England style
and telling you a secret,
I'm actually is mix baby which from England with Chinese.

That is one of the reason I love everything from England so much

Alright, here I have to stop writing.
Please to stay tune for my next post.

P/S: I know my English writing is not that good please to forgive me if it cause you hardly to understand on what I'm trying to tell. ^.^